Sunday, February 22, 2009

Earn money online just by clicking and inviting people

Do you wanna earn US$ 10,000 or more every month??
In Yuwie, you can earn money every month just by joining as member for FREE.
Nothing to lose!!

What is Yuwie?
Yuwie is social website like facebook, hi5, friendster, etc. The difference is Yuwie pays you for browsing their website while making friends online. They pay you base on your activities on Yuwie, such as your page view, login, uploading photos, leave comments and messages, looking for friends, or just by looking at other's profile.

That's why you should make your profile as interesting as possible and update your profile as often as you can so others will be more interested in looking at your profiles. But, you can not put any porn pictures, videos or any other things related with porn as your profile might be banned or deleted from Yuwie.

If you want to earn more, you should look for referral as many as you can!!
The great thing is you are not only finding referral and earning money but also making friends and helping them to earn money!!

It's easy to find referral because everybody can join Yuwie for FREE. There is NO registration fee or any other charges.


Yuwie as social website has advertised thousand of ads and has made money from ads. The more popular Yuwie, the more sponsor that will put their advertisements on Yuwie. Thus, one of the strategy of Yuwie to make their website popular is by paying people when they join into their site and inviting people to register. Because the more people who see, read, or hear advertisements from Yuwie, the more income they will get. That's why they don't hesistate to pay you.

Normally, 1000 page views have value of US$ 0.50
You might think that 1000 page views is a lot.
But, Wait!!
Logically, 1000 page views in a month means 33 pages views a day is not much since Yuwie counts the login, leave comment, and any other activities, so it won't take long time to achieve you goal.
You can even do more than 33 pages a day since you can be addicted and enjoying the browsing.

Here is the calculation of income on Yuwie**:

You 10 % x $ 0.5 = $ 0.05
Level 1 10 % x 3x $ 0.5 = $ 0.15
Level 2 10 % x 9 x $ 0.5 = $ 0.45
Level 3 10 % x 27 x $ 0.5 = $ 1.35
Level 4 4 % x 81 x $ 0.5 = $ 1.62
Level 5 4 % x 243 x $ 0.5 = $ 4.86
Level 6 4 % x 729 x $ 0.5 = $ 14.58
Level 7 4 % x 2187 x $ 0.5 = $ 43.74
Level 8 4 % x 6561 x $ 0.5 = $ 131.22
Level 9 10 % x 19683 x $ 0.5 = $ 984.15
Level 10 30 % x 59049 x $ 0.5 = $ 8857.35

Total = $ 10,039.52

** You can earn approximately US$ 10,039.52 per month if you have 3 referrals and your-3-referrals have found other referrals which reach level 10.

If every referral has accessed Yuwie (browsing, finding friends, upload photos, and any other activities) and has 1000 page views, here you go, you're gonna earn US$ 10,039.52 per month.

That's why you should invite others to register, as many as you can.

Then fill up the registration form for FREE.
After finishing filling up the form, you can set your payment setting by opening your profile and clicking your 'account setting' then choose 'payment setting'.

You can choose the payment method you like (Paypal or Alertpay).

(If you haven't got the Paypal or Alertpay account, you can join now since the payment of your current activities will be transferred to your account between 10th-15th of the upcoming month).

Then, click 'account setting' again. Click 'tax information', click 'I am NOT US citizen' if you are not US citizen. Finish up filling the rest of question.
After that, confirm your email by clicking the link sent into your system message.
Now you can do activities on Yuwie!!

To view your general profile --> Home
To view your whole profile and information --> Control Panel (on the top of the homepage).

In account information, you can see your page view and your referral's page view.

To get referrals, you can promote Yuwie in other social websites and invite friends to join into this spectacular site (Yuwie).
When promoting, you can put your own link located on your profile. Just copy and paste the 'referral link' given in small box.

You can promote anywhere and anytime around the world via internet or any other media you want.
Millions of people are accessing internet every single day and our chance is huge in front of our eyes.
Just keep trying and be passion on what you are doing!!!

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